What is the best tree harvesting method?

Single-tree selective harvesting is best in small or confined areas for a variety of reasons, including the need for Tree Service in Mount Pleasant SC. One is that this method of harvesting requires more roads. Single-tree selection, the most intensive harvesting method, eliminates individual trees that are ready for harvest, low in value, or that compete with other trees. With the selection of a single tree, the forest produces wood continuously and new seedlings are constantly emerging to replace felled trees. Selecting a single tree maintains a late-succession forest that benefits many wildlife species, such as squirrels and turkeys.

In addition, surrounding trees can be damaged during harvest, and frequent use of logging equipment in a given area can compact the soil. Sun-loving trees, which are an important source of food for wildlife, don't regenerate well if only trees are selected, so forest managers must use mechanical or chemical controls to prevent shade-tolerant species from taking over the site. The method of harvesting whole trees involves transporting the entire felled tree to the landing for its processing. It is generally used in logging operations and can be used to scarify (expose mineral soil) sites to encourage the regeneration of some species.

Applications in Michigan include chipping operations for entire trees, as well as processor-based systems that cut the entire tree and cut it to obtain the products of the desired length at the time of clearing. An advantage of the whole-tree method is that it can utilize all of a tree's biomass, as is the case with whole-tree chipping operations. Cutting down entire trees has the greatest potential to damage waste mass. The main advantage of harvesting whole trees is that it generally leaves the harvest site cleaner than any other harvesting method; therefore, it is more visually pleasing.

In operations where branches are not used, the harvest of entire trees concentrates the felling on the landings or in piles scattered throughout the harvest area. The method of harvesting short wood consists of converting trees into products of the desired length on the stump, either with chainsaws or with a mechanized processor that cuts down, clears and shreds the tree to turn it into logs for sawing, wooden sticks for pasta or other products. The method of harvesting at tree height consists of felling, felling and clearing the trees in the forest and transporting the length of the trees to the pier. In forest management, trees are felled for a variety of reasons, such as improving forest health; controlling the types of trees that grow on the site; attracting certain wildlife species; providing a source of income for the owner; producing paper, wood and many other forest products; and improving access to the area for hikers, hunters and other recreational users.

When harvesting trees with seeds, five or more trees are left scattered per acre in the harvested area to provide seeds for a new forest mass. Wildlife benefits from harvesting tree seeds in much the same way as it does from a felled crop, except that it also benefits from seeds from the trees themselves.